Doe v. Schaefer

Case Conclusion Date: September 3, 2012

Practice Area: Personal Injury

Outcome: $63,000

Description: Doe was injured when Schaefer’s unleashed dog bit her hand while she was jogging on a mountain trail. Doe also had her dog with her, but hers was on a leash. The dogs proceeded to fight each other after the bite. Schaefer initially denied responsibility. He claimed Doe’s dog must have bit her when Doe tried to separate the dogs. We demonstrated that Schaeffer’s version was not true. He did not see the incident as he had let his dog roam far away from him. We also demonstrated that Schaefer’s dog was the aggressor based upon statements Schaefer made to the police. This forced a settlement with Schaefer’s homeowner’s insurance company before the filing of a lawsuit.